
The School of Public Health finance team manages both the school’s overall budget of more than $120 million and day-to-day expenditures, like purchases, travel reimbursements, and billing for services.

Finance Team

Matt Anderson

Chief Finance Officer

Primary contact for:

  • Financial Strategy and Reporting

Tamara Hink

Director of Finance

Primary contact for:

  • Budgets
  • Policy
  • Approvals

Galaanee Saaqqataa

Principal Accounts Specialist

Primary contact for:

  • Employee expense reimbursements
  • Purchasing cards
  • Purchase orders/contracts
  • Deposits
  • Imaging

Melissa Wuori

Administrative Associate of Scholarships and Finance

Primary contact for:

  • EFS expert
  • Accounts payable
  • Scholarship management
  • Foundation/Endowment accounts
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