Equal Opportunity, Access & Privacy
Equal Opportunity Statement
The University of Minnesota is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to its programs, facilities, and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, disability, public assistance status, veteran status, or sexual orientation.
Disability Access
The application is available in alternative formats upon request. Please contact SPH Admissions at sph-admissions@umn.edu.
Privacy Statement
If you want the School of Public Health to give information to a second party or legal agent, such as a friend, relative, or organization, please list, in the appropriate section of the Application for Admission Form, the name of the person or organization with which the School of Public Health may share information. Providing email addresses on the application form will be taken as authorization to release information to those addresses. If you do not designate a second party, the School of Public Health will not discuss your application with anyone other than those specified below.
All information on the Application for Admission Form is private. The University of Minnesota complies with federal and state privacy laws and regulations. Those who may gain access to information in your file are staff and faculty at the university who have a need to gain access, and outside organizations and government bodies in limited circumstances as authorized by state or federal law. In addition, you may review your own file. No one else may review your file without your written consent or a subpoena or court order.
Required items on the Application for Admission Form are used for identification and/or admissions purposes. Information on the Application for Admission Form may also be used for decisions on awarding assistantships, scholarships, and/or other financial support opportunities.
Gender and ethnicity information is needed for reporting and research purposes. All individual student information will be treated as confidential; it will not be used in a discriminatory manner. The information collected will be used for summary reports required by federal and state laws and regulations and by the University of Minnesota. Refusal to provide any of the requested information will not adversely affect the processing of your application.