Horvath, K.J., Meyer C., Rosser, B.R.S. (2016). Men who have sex with men who believe that their state has an HIV-specific criminal law report higher condomless anal sex than those who are unsure of the law in their state. AIDS & Behavior, in press.
Rosser, B.R.S., Merengwa, E., Capistrant, B.D., Iantaffi, A., Killian, G., Kohli, N., Konety, B.R., Mitteldorf, D., West, W. (2016) Prostate cancer in gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men: A review. LGBT Health, 3(1):32-41.
Brennan, D.J., Lackhowsky N.J., Georgievski, G., Rosser, B.R.S., MacLachlan, D., Murray, J., and the Cruising Counts Research Team (2015). Online outreach services among men who use the Internet to seek sex with other men (MISM) in Ontario, Canada. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 17, 12 e277.
Wilkerson J.M., Noor, S.W., Galos, D.L., & Rosser, B.R.S. (2016). Correlates of a single-item indicator versus a multi-item scale of outness about same-sex attraction. Archives of Sexual Behavior in press.
VanKim, N.A., Erickson, D.J., Eisenberg, M.E., Lust, K., Rosser, B.R.S., Laska, M.N. (2016). Differences in weight-related behavioral profiles by sexual orientation among college men. American Journal of Health Promotion, in press.
Grey, J.A., Konstan, J., Iantaffi, A., Wilkerson, J.M., Galos, D., Rosser B.R.S. (2015). An updated protocol to detect invalid entries in an online survey of men who have sex with men (MSM): how do valid and invalid submissions compare. AIDS & Behavior, 19(1)):1928-1937.
VanKim, N.A., Erickson, D.J., Eisenberg, M.E., Lust, K., Rosser, B.R.S., Laska, M.N. College women’s weight-related behavior profiles differ by sexual identity. American Journal of Health Behavior. July/August 2015;39(4): 461-470.
Wilkerson, J.M., Noor, S.W., Breckenridge, E.D., Adeboye, A.A., Rosser, B.R.S. (2015). Substance-use and sexual harm reduction strategies of methamphetamine-using men who have sex with men who inject drugs. AIDS Care, 27(8):1047-1054.
Brady, S.S., Sieving, R.E., Terveen, L.G., Rosser, B.R.S., Kodet, A.J., Rothberg, V.D. (2015). An interactive website to reduce sexual risk behavior: Process evaluation of TeensTalkHealth. Journal of Medical Internet Research, in press.
Træen, B., Noor, S.W., Grey, J., Iantaffi, A., Rosser, B.R.S., Hald, G.M. (2015). Examining the effect of sexually explicit media on sexual risk behavior in a sample of men who have sex with men in Norway. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 56, 290-296. DOI: 10.1111/sjop.12203.
Hald, G.M., Træen, B., Noor, S.W., Iantaffi, A., Galos, D., Rosser, B.R.S. (2015). Does sexually explicit media (SEM) affect me? Assessing first person effects of SEM consumption among Norwegian men who have sex with men. Psychology and Sexuality, 6(1):59-74. doi: 10.1080/19419899.2014.984516
Træen, B., Noor, S.W. Grey, J., Iantaffi, A., Rosser, B.R.S., Hald, G.M. (2014). Sexually explicit media and sexual risk behavior in a sample of men who have sex with men in Norway. Sexuality & Culture, 18(4): 1038-1051.
Laska, M.N., VanKim, N.A., Erickson, D.J., Lust, K., Eisenberg, M.E., Rosser, B.R.S. (2014) Disparities in weight and weight behaviors by sexual orientation in college students. American Journal of Public Health, 105(1), online first, e1-e11. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2014.302094
Rosser, B.R.S., Noor, S.W. Iantafi, A. (2014). A brief scale to measure problematic sexually explicit media consumption: Clinical findings using the Compulsive Pornography Consumption (CPC) scale among men who have sex with men. Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity, 21(4):276-304.
Iantaffi, A., Wilkerson, J.M. Grey, J.A., Rosser, B.R.S. (2015). Acceptability of sexually explicit images in HIV prevention messages targeting men who have sex with men. Journal of Homosexuality, 55(2), 185-203. (NIHMSID:601760)
Noor, S.W., Rosser, B.R.S., Erickson, D.J. (2014). A brief scale to measure problematic sexually explicit media consumption: Psychometric properties of the Compulsive Pornography Consumption (CPC) scale among men who have sex with men. Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity, 21(3), 240-261.
Wilkerson, J.M., Fuchs, E.L., Brady, S.S., Jones-Webb, R., Rosser, B.R.S. (2014). Correlates of HIV/STI testing and disclosure among HIV-negative collegiate men who have sex with men. Journal of American College Health, 62(7), 450-460. (NIHMSID:591134)
Erickson, D.J., Galos, D., Smolenski, D., Iantaffi, A., Rosser, B.R.S. (2014). Typologies of sexually explicit media use among MSM: An application of latent class analysis. Psychology & Sexuality, 6(1): 28-43. (NIHMSID:589353)
Noor, S.W., Rampalli, K & Rosser, B.R.S. (2014). Factors influencing HIV serodisclosure among men who have sex with men in the US: An examination of online versus offline meeting environments and risk behaviors. AIDS & Behavior, 12(4):521-543. (NIHMSID:587546)
Træen, B., Hald, G.M., Noor, S.W. Iantaffi, A., Grey, J., & Rosser, B.R.S. (2014). The relationship between use of sexually explicit media and sexual risk behavior in men who have sex with men: Exploring the mediating effects of sexual self-esteem and condom use self-efficacy. International Journal of Sexual Health 26(1):13-24. (PMC4041739)
Wilkerson, J.M., Iantaffi, A., Grey, J.A., Bockting, W.O. & Rosser, B.R.S. (2014). Recommendations for Internet-based qualitative health research with hard-to-reach populations. Qualitative Health Research 24(4):561-74. (NIHMSID:590270)
Wilkerson, J.M., Iantaffi, A., Smolenski, D.J., Horvath, K.J., Rosser, B.R.S. (in press). Acceptability of HIV-prevention messages in sexually explicit media viewed by men who have sex with men. AIDS Education and Prevention.
O’Leary, A., Horvath, K.J., & Rosser, B.R.S., (in press). Associations between partner-venue specific personal responsibility beliefs and transmission risk behavior by HIV-positive men who have sex with men (MSM). Aids and Behavior.
Wilkerson, J.M., Smolenski, D.J., Brady, S.S., & Rosser, B.R.S. (2013). Performance of the Duke Religion Index and the Spiritual Well-Being Scale in online samples of men who have sex with men. Journal of Religion and Health 52(2):610-21. (PMC3553315)
Jones-Webb, R., Kilian, G., Cain-Nielsen, A., Brady, S.S., & Rosser, B.R.S. (2013). Recruiting gay alcohol establishments for studies: Lessons learned from the SILAS study. Journal of Substance Use and Misuse 48(3):194-99. (PMC3582730)
Brady, S.S., Iantaffi, A., Galos, D. L., & Rosser, B.R.S. (2013). Open, closed, or in between: Is relationship configuration associated with condom use among men who have sex with men? Aids and Behavior 17(4):1499-1514. (PMC3577942)
Rosser, B.R.S., Smolenski, D., Erickson, D., Iantaffi, A., Brady, S.S., Galos, D.L., Grey, J.A., Hald, G.M., Horvath, K.J., Kilian, G., Traeen, B., Wilkerson, J.M. (2013). The effects of gay sexually explicit media on the HIV risk behavior of Men who have Sex with Men. AIDS & Behavior 17(4):1488-98.
Hald, G. M., & Smolenski, D., Rosser, B. R. S. (2013). Perceived effects of sexual explicit media among men who have sex with men and psychometric properties of the pornography consumption effect scale. (PCES). Journal of Sexual Medicine. 10(3):757-767. (NIHMS422611)
Rosser, B.R.S., Kilian, G., West, W.G. (2013). The Emergency Public Relations Protocol: How to work effectively on controversial projects in an academic health setting. Sexuality Research and Social Policy. 10(1):1-14. (PMC3616414)
Jones-Webb, R., Smolenski, D.J., Brady, S.S., Wilkerson, J.M., & Rosser, B.R.S. (2013). Drinking settings, alcohol consumption, and sexual risk behavior among gay men. Addictive Behaviors. 38(3):1824-1830. (PMC3569002)
Wilkerson, J.M., Iantaffi, A., Smolenski, D.J., Brady, S.S., Horvath, K.J., Grey, J.A., and Rosser, B.R.S. (2012). The SEM Risk Behavior (SRB) Model: A new conceptual model of how pornography influences the sexual intentions and HIV risk behavior of MSM. Sexual and Relationship Therapy. 27(3):217-230. (PMC3505105)
Brunsberg, S.A., Rosser, B.R.S., Smolenski, D.J. (2012). HIV sexual risk behavior and health insurance coverage in men who have sex with men. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 9(2), 125-131. (PMC3505103)
Wilkerson, J.M., Smolenski, D.J., Brady, S.S., & Rosser, B.R.S. (2012). Religiosity, internalized homonegativity, and outness in Christian men who have sex with men. Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 27, 122-132. (PMC3514967)
Horvath, K.J., Danilenko, G.P., Williams, M.L., Simoni, J., Amico, K.R., Oakes, J.M., & Rosser, B.R.S. (2012). Technology use and reasons to participate in online social networking websites for people living with HIV in the US. AIDS and Behavior,16(4), 900-910. (PMC3454490)
Horvath K..J, Smolenski D.J., Iantaffi A., Grey J.A., & Rosser B.R.S. (2012). Discussions of viral load in negotiating sexual episodes with primary and casual partners among men who have sex with men. AIDS Care, 24(8),1052-5. (PMC3389168)
Peterson, J.L., Miner, M.H., Brennan, D.J. & Rosser, B.R.S. (2012). HIV treatment optimism and sexual risk behaviors among HIV positive African American men who have sex with men. AIDS Education and Prevention, 24, 91-101. (PMC3514953)
Rosser, B.R.S., Grey, J.A., Wilkerson, J.M., Iantaffi, A., Brady, S.S., Smolenski, D.J., & Horvath, K.J. (2012). A commentary on the role of sexually explicit media (SEM) in the transmission and prevention of HIV among men who have sex with men (MSM). AIDS and Behavior,16(6),1375-81. (PMC3396722)
Harwood, E., Horvath, K.J., Courtenay-Quirk, C., Fisher, H., Kachur, R., McFarlane, M., Meyer, B., Rosser, B.R.S., & O’Leary, A. (2012). Sampling hidden populations: lessons learned from a telephone-based study of persons recently diagnosed with HIV (PRDH). International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 15(1), 31-40.
Horvath, K.J., Danilenko, G., Nygaard, K., Goknur, S., & Rosser, B.R.S. (2012). Strategies to retain participants in a long-term HIV prevention randomized controlled trial: Lessons from the MINTS-II study. AIDS and Behavior, 16(2), 469-79. (PMC3423320)
Rosser, B.R.S., Wilkerson, J.M., Smolenski, D.J., Oakes, J.M., Konstan, J., Horvath, K.J., Kilian, G.R., Novak, D.S., Danilenko, G.P., & Morgan, R. (2011). The future of Internet-based HIV prevention: A report on key findings from the Men’s INTernet Sex (MINTS-I, II) Studies. AIDS and Behavior, 15(1), 91-100. (PMC3345812)
Smolenski, D.J., Stigler, M.H., Ross, M.W., & Rosser, B.R.S. (2011). Direct and indirect associations between internalized homonegativity and high-risk sex. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 40(4), 785-92. (PMC3418675)
Wilkerson, J.M., Danilenko, G.P., Smolenski, D.J., Myer, B.B.,& Rosser, B.R.S. (2011). Sexual agreement classifications for gay and bisexual men and implications for harm reduction HIV prevention. Health Education and Behavior, 39(3), 303-14. (PMC3462446)
Ostergren, J., Rosser, B.R.S., & Horvath, K.J. (2011). Reasons for non-use of condoms among Men-who-have-Sex-with-Men: A comparison of receptive and insertive role-in-sex and lnline and offline meeting venue. Culture, Health and Sexuality, 13(2), 123-40. (PMC3010288)
Wilkerson, J.M., Danilenko, G.P., Smolenski, D.J., Meyer, B.B., & Rosser, B.R.S., (2011). The role of critical self-reflection of assumptions in an online HIV intervention for men who have sex with men. AIDS Education and Prevention, 23(1), 13-24. (PMC3423317)
Brennan, D. J., Welles, S. L., Miner, M. H., Ross, M. W., Rosser, B. R., & the Positive Connections Team. (2010). HIV treatment optimism and unsafe anal intercourse among HIV-positive men who have sex with men: Findings from the Positive Connections study. AIDS Education and Prevention, 22(2), 126-137. PMID: 20387983.
Coleman, E., Horvath, K.J., Miner, M.H., Ross, M.W., Oakes, J.M., Rosser, B.R.S., & the Men’s INTernet Sex (MINTS-II) Team. (2010). Compulsive sexual behavior and risk for unsafe sex among men who use the Internet to seek sex with men. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 39, 1045-1053.
Courtenay-Quirk, C., Horvath, K.J., Ding, H., Fisher, H., McFarlane, M., Kachur, R., O’Leary, A.A., Rosser, B.R.S., & Harwood, E. (2010). Perceptions of HIV-related websites among recently diagnosed HIV-positive persons. AIDS Patient Care and STDs, 24(2), 105-115.
Hatfield, L.A., Ghiselli, M.E., Jacoby, S.M., Cain-Nielsen, A., Kilian, G., McKay, T., & Rosser, B.R.S. (2010). Methods for recruiting men of color who have sex with men in unsafe sex prevention-for-positives interventions. Prevention Science, 11(1), 56-66.
Horvath, K. J., Weinmeyer, R., & Rosser, B. R. (2010). Should it be illegal for HIV-positive persons to have unprotected sex without disclosure? An examination of attitudes among US men who have sex with men and the impact of state law. AIDS Care, 22(10), 1221-1228. PMID: 20635241.
Horvath, K.J., Nygaard, K., & Rosser, B.R.S. (2010). Ascertaining partner HIV status and its association with sexual risk behavior among Internet-using men who have sex with men. AIDS and Behavior, 14(6), 1376-1383.
Konstan, J., West, W.G. (2010). Chapter 16. Using technology and the Internet in research. In W. Pequegnat, E. Stover & C.A. Boyce (Eds.), How to write a successful research grant application: A guide for social and behavioral scientists (2nd ed.; pp. 189-205). New York: Springer.
Ostergren, J., Rosser, B. R. S., & Horvath, K. J. (2010). Reasons for non-use of condoms among men who have sex with men: A comparison of receptive and insertive role in sex and online and offline meeting venue. Culture, Health and Sexuality, 2010 Oct 19, 1. [Epub ahead of print].
Prosser, R.A. & Wilkerson, J.M. Pap Screening in HIV Positive Women: Findings From a Retrospective Electronic Medical Record Audit. Presented at the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Conference. Phoenix, Arizona, June 23-27, 2010.
Ross, M. W., Rosser, B. R. S., & Smolenski, D. (2010). The importance of measuring internalized homophobia/homonegativity. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 39(6), 1207-1208. PMID: 20464466.
Ross, M. W., Smolenski, D. J., Kajub, P., Mandel, J. S., McFarland, W., & Raymond, F. H. (2010).
Ross, M., Smolenski, D., Kajubi, P., Mandel, J., McFarland, W., & Raymond, F. (2010). Measurement of internalized homonegativity in gay and bisexual men in Uganda: Cross-cultural properties of the Internalized Homonegativity scale. Psychology, Health and Medicine, 15(2), 159-165. PMID: 20391233.
Rosser, B. R., Hatfield, L., Miner, M., Chiselli, M., Lee, B., Welles, S. (2010). Effects of a behavioral intervention to reduce serodiscordant unsafe sex among HIV positive men who have sex with men: the Positive Connections randomized controlled trial study. Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 33(2), 147-158.
Rosser, B. R., Oakes, J. M., Konstan, J., Hooper, S., Horvath, K. J., Danilenko, G. P., Nygaard, K. E., & Smolenski, D. J. (2010). Reducing HIV risk behavior of men who have sex with men through persuasive computing: Results of the Men’s INTernet Study-II. AIDS, 24 (13), 2099-2107. PMID: 20601853.
Smolenski, D. J., Diamond, P. M., Ross, M. W., & Rosser, B. R. (2010). Revision, criterion validity, and multigroup assessment of the Reactions to Homosexuality scale. Journal of Personality Assessment, 92(6), 568-576. PMID: 20954058.
Smolenski, D. J., Stigler, M. H., Ross, M. W., & Rosser, B. R. S. Direct and indirect associations between internalized homonegativity and high-risk sex. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 1-8
Stigler, M., Perry, C. L., Smolenski, D. J., Arora, M., & Reddy, K. S. (In press). A mediation analysis of a tobacco prevention program for adolescents in India: How did Project MYTRI work? Health Education Research.
Wilkerson, J.M., Rybicki, S., Barber, C.A., Smolenski, D., & Kilian, G. (2011), Creating a Culturally Competent Clinical Environment for LGBT Patients. Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services. (In press)
Wilkerson, J. M., Smolenski, D. J., Horvath, K. J., Danilenko, G. P., & Rosser, B. R. S. (2010). Online and offline sexual health-seeking patterns of HIV-negative men who have sex with men. AIDS and Behavior, 14(6), 1362-1370. PMID: 20799060.
Horvath KJ, Courtenay-Quirk C, Harwood E, Fisher H, Kachur R, McFarlane M, O’Leary A, Rosser BR. Using the Internet to provide care for persons living with HIV. AIDS Patient Care STDS. 2009 Dec;23(12):1033-41. PMID: 20025513
Hatfield LA, Horvath KJ, Jacoby SM, Simon Rosser BR. Comparison of substance use and risky sexual behavior among a diverse sample of urban, HIV-positive men who have sex with men. J Addict Dis. 2009 Jul;28(3):208-18. PMID: 20155589
Brennan, D.J., Welles, S., Miner, M.H., Mayer, K., Ross, M.W., Rosser, B.R.S., & the Positive Connections Team. (2009). Development of a treatment optimism scale for HIV-positive gay and bisexual men. AIDS Care, 21(9), 1090-1097.
Coleman, E., Horvath, K.J., Miner, M., Ross, M.W., Oakes, M., Rosser, B.R.; Men’s INTernet Sex (MINTS-II) Team. (2009). Compulsive sexual behavior and risk for unsafe sex among Internet using men who have sex with men. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 2009 Jul 9. [Epub ahead of print]
Rosser, B.R.S., Gurak, L., Horvath, K.J., Oakes, J.M., Konstan, J., & Danilenko, G. (2009). The challenges of ensuring participant consent in Internet-based sex studies: A case study of the MINTS I & II studies. Journal of Computer Mediated Communications, 14(3), 606-626.
Seibel, S.L., Rosser, B.R.S., Horvath, K.J., & Evans, C.D. (2009). Sexual dysfunction, paraphilias and their relationship to childhood abuse in men who have sex with men. International Journal of Sexual Health, 21(2), 79-86.
Miner, M.H., Peterson, J.L., Welles, S.L., Jacoby, S.M., & Rosser, B.R.. (2009). How do social norms impact HIV sexual risk behavior in HIV-positive men who have sex with men: Multiple mediator effects. Journal of Health Psychology, 14(6), 761-70.
Rosser, B.R.S., Oakes, J.M., Horvath, K.J., Konstan, J.A., Danilenko, G.P., & Peterson, J.L. (2009). HIV sexual risk behavior by men who use the Internet to seek sex with men: Results of the Men’s INTernet Sex Study-II (MINTS-II). AIDS and Behavior, 13(3), 488-498.
Smolenski, D.J., Ross, M.W., Risser, J.M., & Rosser, B.R.S. (2009) Sexual compulsivity and high-risk sex among Latino men: The role of internal homonegativity and gay organizations. AIDS Care, 21(1), 42-49.
Welles, S., Baker, A.C., Miner, M.H., Brennan, D.J., Jacoby, S.M., Rosser, B.R.S., & the Positive Connections Team. (2009). History of childhood sexual abuse and unsafe anal intercourse in a 6-city study of HIV-positive men who have sex with men. American Journal of Public Health, 99(6), 1079-1086.
Rosser, B.R.S., Miner, M.H., Bockting, W.O., Ross, M.W., Konstan, J., Gurak, L., Stanton, J., Edwards, W., Jacoby, S., Carballo-Dieguez, A., Mazin, R., & Coleman, E. (2009). HIV risk and the Internet: Results of the Men’s INTernet Study (MINTS). AIDS and Behavior, 13(4), 746-756.
Rosser, B.R.S., Horvath, K.J, Hatfield, L.A., Peterson, J.L., Jacoby, S.M., Stately, A., & the Positive Connections Team. (2008). Predictors of HIV disclosure to secondary partners and sexual risk behavior among a high-risk sample of HIV-positive MSM: Results from six epicenters in the US. AIDS Care, 20(8), 925-930.
Ross, M.W., Rosser, B.R.S., Neumaier, E.R., & the Positive Connections Team. (2008). The relationship of internalized homonegativity to unsafe sexual behavior in HIV seropositive men who have sex with men. AIDS Education and Prevention, 20(6), 547-557.
Horvath, K.J., Oakes, J.M., & Rosser, B.R.S. (2008). Sexual negotiation and HIV serodisclosure among men who have sex with men with their online and offline partners. Journal of Urban Health, 85(5), 744-758.
Hooper, S., Rosser, B.R.S., Horvath, K.J., Oakes, J.M., Danilenko, G., & the Men’s INTernet Sex II (MINTS-II) Team. (2008). An online needs assessment of a virtual community: What men who use the Internet to seek sex with men want in Internet-based HIV prevention. AIDS and Behavior, 12(6), 867-875.
Rosser, B.R.S., West, W., & Weinmeyer, R. (2008). Are gay communities dying or just in transition? Results from an international consultation examining possible structural change in gay communities. AIDS Care, 20(5), 588-595.
Horvath, K.J., Rosser, B.R.S., & Remafedi, G. (2008). Sexual risk taking among young Internet-using men who have sex with men. American Journal of Public Health, 98(6), 1059-1067.
Rosser, B.R.S., & Horvath, K.J. (2008). Predictors of success in implementing HIV prevention in rural America: A state-level structural factor analysis of HIV prevention targeting men who have sex with men. AIDS and Behavior, 12(2), 159-168.
Rosser, B.R.S. (2008). Working as a psychologist in the Medical Reserve Corps: Providing emergency mental health relief services in hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 39, 37-44.
Rosser, B.R.S., Bockting, W.O., Ross, M.W., Miner, M.H., & Coleman, E. (2008). The relationship between homosexuality, internalized homo-negativity and mental health in men who have sex with men. Journal of Homosexuality, 55(2), 185-203.
O’Dell, B.L., Rosser, B.R.S., Miner, M.H., & Jacoby, S.M. (2008). HIV prevention altruism and sexual risk behavior in HIV-positive men who have sex with men. AIDS and Behavior, 12(5), 713-720.
Miner, M.H., Coleman, E., Center, B.A.., Ross, M.W., & Rosser, B.R.S. (2007). The Compulsive Sexual Behavior Inventory: Psychometric properties. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 36(4), 579-587.
Ross, M.W., Rosser, B.R.S., McCurdy, S., & Feldman, J. (2007). The advantages and limitations of seeking sex online: A comparison of reasons given for online and offline sexual liaisons by men who have sex with men. Journal of Sex Research, 44(1), 59-71.
Bockting, W.O., Miner, M.W., & Rosser, B.R.S. (2007). Latino men’s sexual behavior with transgender persons. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 36(6), 778-786.
Rosser, B.R.S., Oakes, J.M., Bockting, W.O., Babes, G., & Miner, M. (2007). Capturing the social demographics of hidden sexual minorities: An Internet study of the transgender population in the United States. Sexual Research and Social Policy, 4(2), 50-64.
West, W., Rosser, B. R. S., Hooper, S., Monani, S, & Gurak, L. (2007). How learning styles impact e-learning: A case comparative study of undergraduate students who excelled, passed, or failed an online course in scientific writing. Journal of Administrators of Electronic Learning, 3, 533-541.
Pequegnat, W., Rosser, B.R.S., Bowen, A.M., Bull, S.S., DiClemente, R.J., Bockting, W.O., Elford, J., Fishbein, M., Gurak, L., Horvath, K.J., Konstan, J., Noar, S.M., Ross, M.W., Sherr, L., Spiegel, D., & Zimmerman, R. (2007). Conducting Internet-based HIV/STD prevention survey research: Considerations in design and evaluation. AIDS and Behavior, 11(4), 505-521.
Lifson, A.R., & Rybicki, S.L. (2007). Routine opt-out HIV testing. Lancet, 369(9561), 539-540.
Konstan, J.A., Rosser, B.R.S., Horvath, K.J., Gurak, L., & Edwards, W. (2007). Protecting subject data privacy in Internet-based HIV/STI prevention survey research . In F.G. Conrad & M.F. Schober (Eds.), Envisioning the survey interview of the future. NY: Wiley and Sons.
Carballo-Dieguez, A., Miner, M.H., Dolezal, C., Rosser, B.R.S., Jacoby, S.M. (2006). Sexual negotiation, HIV-status disclosure, and sexual risk behavior among Latino men who use the Internet to seek sex with other men. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 35(4), 473-81.
Kraft, C., Robinson, B.E., Nordstrom, D.L., Bockting, W.O., & Rosser, B.R.S. (2006). Obesity, body image, and unsafe sex in men who have sex with men. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 35(5), 587-95.
Ross, M.W, Rosser B.R.S., Coleman, E., & Mazin, R. (2006). Misrepresentation on the Internet and in real life about sex and HIV: A study of Latino men who have sex with men. Culture, Health and Sexuality, 8, 133-144.
Lifson, A.R., Rhame, F.S., Belloso, W.H., Dragsted, U.B., El-Sadr, W.M., Gatell, J.M., Hoy, J.F., Krum, E.A., Nelson, R., Pedersen, C., Pett, S.L., & Davey, R.T. (2006). Reporting and evaluation of HIV-related clinical endpoints in two multicenter international clinical trials. HIV Clinical Trials, 7, 125-141.
Konstan, J.A., Rosser, B.R.S., Ross, M.W., Stanton, J., & Edwards, W.M. (2005). The story of Subject Naught: A cautionary but optimistic tale of Internet survey research. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 10, article 11.
Bockting, W.O., Huang, C-H, Ding, H., Robinson, B.E., & Rosser, B.R.S. (2005). Are transgender persons at higher risk for HIV than other sexual minorities? International Journal of Transgenderism, 8, 123-131.
Damon, W., & Rosser, B.R.S. (2005). Anodyspareunia in Men who have Sex with Men: Prevalence, predictors, consequences and the development of DSM diagnostic criteria. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, 31, 129-141.
Minwalla, O., Rosser, B.R.S., Feldman, J., Varga, C. (2005). Identity experience among progressive gay Muslims in North America: A qualitative study within Al-Fatiha. Culture, Health and Sexuality, 7, 113-128.
Ross, M.W., Rosser, B.R.S., Stanton, J., & Konstan J. (2004). Characteristics of Latino men who have sex with men on the Internet who complete and drop out of an Internet-based sexual behavior survey. AIDS Education and Prevention, 16, 526-537.
Ross, M.W., Rosser, S., & Stanton, J. (2004). Beliefs about cybersex and Internet-mediated sex of Latino men who have Internet sex with men: Relationships with sexual practices in cybersex and in real life. AIDS Care, 16, 1002-1011.
Rosser, B.R.S. & Stanton, J. (2003). Lessons learned, current crises, and new directions in HIV prevention: How Minnesota’s new HIV prevention research center is contributing to the fight against AIDS. Minnesota Medicine, 86, 49-52.
Robinson, B.E., Uhl, G., Miner, M.H., Bockting, W.O., Scheltema, K.E., Rosser, B.R.S., & Westover, B. (2002). Evaluation of a sexual health approach to prevent HIV among low income, urban, primarily African American women: Results of a randomized controlled trial. AIDS Education and Prevention, 14, 81-96.
Robinson, B.E., Bockting, W.O., Rosser, B.R.S., Rugg, D.L., Miner, M.H., & Coleman, E. (2002). A sexological approach to HIV prevention: The sexual health model. Health Education Research, 17, 43-57.
Rosser, B.R.S., Bockting, W.O., Rugg, D.L., Robinson, B.E., Ross, M.W., Bauer, G.L., Kraft, C., & Coleman, E. (2002). A randomized controlled intervention trial of a sexual health approach to long-term HIV risk reduction for men who have sex with men: Effects of the intervention on unsafe sexual behavior. AIDS Education and Prevention, 14, S59-S71.
Odenburg, N.U., Rosser, B.R.S., Rugg, D.L., & DeBoer, J. (2001). Building strong linkages across the HIV prevention continuum: The practical lessons learned from a comprehensive evaluation effort in Minnesota. AIDS Education and Prevention, 13, 29-41.
Ross, M.W., Rosser, B.R.S., Bauer, G.R., Bockting, W.O., Robinson, B.E., Coleman, E. & Rugg, D.L. (2001). Patterns of alcohol and drug use as predictors of unsafe sexual behavior in men who have sex with men. AIDS and Behavior, 5, 97-103.
Rosser, B.R.S., Rugg, D.L., & Ross, M.W. Increasing research and evaluation productivity: Tips for successful writing retreats. Health Promotion Practice, 2, 9-13.
Desvarieux, M., Hyppolite, P.R., Johnson Jr., W.D., & Pape, J.W. (2001). A novel approach to directly observed therapy for tuberculosis in an HIV-endemic area. American Journal of Public Health, 91, 138-141.
Bockting, W.O., Rosser, B.R.S., & Coleman, E. (2000). Transgender HIV prevention: A model education workshop. Journal of the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association, 4,175-183.
Fitzgerald, D.W., Desvarieux, M., Severe, P., Joseph, P., Johnson Jr., W.D., & Pape, J.W. (2000). Effect of post-treatment isoniazid on prevention of recurrent tuberculosis in HIV-1-infected individuals: A randomized trial. Lancet, 356, 1470-1474.
Slattery, M.L., Edwards, S.L., Palmer, L., Curtin, K., Morse, J., Anderson, K., & Samowitz, W. (2000). Use of archival tissue in epidemiologic studies: Collection procedures and assessment of potential sources of bias. Mutation Research Genomics, 432, 7-14.
Welles, S.L., Pitt, J., Colgrove, R., McIntosh, K., Chung, P.H., Colson, A., Lockman, S., Fowler, M.G., Hanson, C., Landesman, S., Moye, J., Rich, K.C., Zorrilla, C., & Japour, A.J. (2000). HIV-1 genotypic zidovudine drug resistance and the risk of maternal–infant transmission in the women and infants transmission study. The Women and Infants Transmission Study Group. AIDS, 14, 263-271.
Rosser, B.R.S., Gobby, J.M. & Carr, P. (1999). The unsafe sexual behavior of persons living with HIV/AIDS: An empirical approach to developing new HIV prevention interventions targeting HIV-positive persons. Journal of Sex Education and Therapy, 24,18-28.
Bockting, W.O., Rosser, B.R.S., & Skeltema, K. (1999). Transgender HIV prevention: Implementation and evaluation of a workshop. Health Education Research, 14,177-183.
Bockting, W.O., Robinson, B.E., & Rosser, B.R.S. (1998). Transgender HIV prevention: Qualitative evaluation of a model prevention education program. Journal of Sex Education and Therapy, 23, 125-133.
Bockting, W.O., Rosser, B.R.S., & Coleman, E. (1998). Transgender HIV prevention: Community involvement and empowerment. International Journal of Transgenderism, 3.
Bockting, W.O., Robinson, B.E., & Rosser, B.R.S. (1998). Transgender HIV prevention: A qualitative needs assessment. AIDS Care, 10, 505-526.
Rosser, B.R.S., Short, B.J., Thurmes, P.J., & Coleman, E. (1998). Anodyspareunia, the unacknowledged sexual dysfunction: A validation study of painful anal intercourse in homosexual men. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, 24, 281-292.
Rosser, B.R.S., & Wright, M. (1998). The impact of new treatments and other trends on HIV prevention for gay and bisexual men in the United States: Observations of the National Lesbian and Gay Health Association Conference. Journal of Psychology and Human Sexuality, 10, 151-158.
Gubrud, R.E., & Rosser, B.R.S. (1998). Strengths and barriers in therapy as perceived by sex offenders and their support persons. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 27, 137-147.
Sawyer, S., Rosser, B.R.S., & Schroder, A. (1998). Results from a brief treatment program for men who patronize prostitutes. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 26, 111-125.
Colgrove, R.C., Pitt, J., Chung, P.H., Welles, S.L., & Japour, A.J. (1998). Selective vertical transmission of HIV-1 antiretroviral resistance mutations. AIDS, 12, 2281-2288.
Moran, P.J., Welles, S.L., & Williams, M.A. The inter-relation of maternal immune competence, HIV-1 viral load, and nutritional status in preventing vertical transmission: An alternative to chemoprophylaxis? Medical Hypotheses, 51, 389-397.
Albert, J.M., Ioannidis, J.P.A., Reichelderfer, P., Conway, B., Coombs, R.W., Crane, L., Demasi, R., Dixon, D.O., Flandre, P., Hughes, M.D., Kalish, L.A., Larntz, J., Lin, D., Marschner, I.C., Muqoz, A., Murray, J., Neaton, J., Pettinelli, C., Rida, W., Taylor, J.M.G., & Welles, S.L. (1998). Statistical issues for HIV surrogate endpoints: Point/counterpoint. An NIAID workshop. Statistics in Medicine, 17, 2435-2462.
Rosser, B.R.S. (1997). The impact of new advances in treatment on HIV prevention. Journal of Psychology and Human Sexuality, 10, 143-150.
Rosser, B.R.S. (1997). The National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference statement on interventions to prevent HIV risk behaviors: Commentaries on reaching consensus. Sexuality educators’ perspective. AIDS and Behavior, 1, 209.
Rosser, B.R.S., Bockting, W.O., Metz, M., & Buroker, T. (1997). Sexual difficulties, concerns and satisfaction in homosexually active men: An empirical study with implications for HIV prevention. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, 23, 60-72.
Rosser, B.R.S., & Dwyer, S.M. (1996). Assessment, psychosexual profiling and treatment of exhibitionists. Sex Offender Treatment, 23, 103-123.
Bright, P.E., Arnett, D.K., Blair, C., & Bayona, M. (1996). Gender and ethnic differences in survival in a cohort of HIV positive clients. Ethnicity and Disease, 1, 77-85.
Welles, S.L., Jackson, J.B., Yen-Lieberman, B., Demeter, L., Japour, A.J., Smeaton, L.M., Johnson, V.A., Kurizkes, D.R., D’Aquila, R.T., Reichelderfer, P.S., Richman, D.D., Reichman, R.R., Fischl, M., Dolin, R., Coombs, R.W., Kahn, J.O., McLaren, C., Todd, J., Kwok, S., & Crumpacker, C.S. (1996). Prognostic value of plasma HIV-1 RNA levels in patients with advanced HIV-1 disease and with little or no prior zidovudione therapy. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 174, 696-703.
Ross, M.W., & Rosser, B.R.S. (1995). Measurement and correlates of internalized homophobia: A factor analytic study. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 52, 15-21.
Rosser, B.R.S. (1995). Clinical aspects of unsafe sexual behavior: Assessment, diagnosis and treatment. Directions in Clinical Psychology, 1, 1-13.
Rosser, B.R.S., Dwyer, S.M., Coleman, E., Miner, M.H., Metz, M., Robinson, B.E., & Bockting, W.O. (1995). Using sexually explicit material in sex education: An eighteen year comparative analysis. Journal of Sex Education and Therapy, 21, 117-128.
Kral, A.H., Watters, J.K., Lifson, A.R., Carlson, JR., & Stanley, M. (1995). Concordance of PCR and antibody results from HIV testing of injection drug users. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 10, 381-385.
Lifson, A.R., Allen, S., & Wolf, W., Serufilira, A., Kantarama, G., Lindan, C.P., Hudes, E.S., Nsengumuremyi, F., Taelman, H., & Batungwanayo, J. (1995). Classification of HIV infection and disease in women from Rwanda: Evaluation of the World Health Organization HIV staging system and recommended modifications. Annals of Internal Medicine, 122, 262-270.
Metz, M., Rosser, B.R.S., & Strapko, N. (1994). Difference in conflict-resolution styles among heterosexual, gay, and lesbian couples. Journal of Sex Research, 31, 293-308.
Rosser, B.R.S. (1994). A scientific understanding of sexual orientation with implications for pastoral ministry. Word and World, 14, 246-257.
Shiboski, C.H., Hilton, J.F., Greenspan, D., Westenhouse, J.L., Derish, P., Vranizan, K., & Lifson, A.R. (1994). HIV-related oral manifestations in two cohorts of women in San Francisco. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 7, 964-971.
Lifson, A.R. (1994). Preventing HIV: Have we lost our way? Lancet, 343, 1306-1307.
Dwyer, S.M., & Rosser, B.R.S. (1993). La Summarie de “La duree du risque de recifive chez les deliquents sexuels.” Forum – Recherche sur l’actualite correctionnelle, 5, 8-11.
Dwyer, S.M., & Rosser, B.R.S. (1993). Summary of “Treatment outcome research: cross-referencing a six-month to ten-year follow-up study on sex offenders.” Forum on Corrections Research, 5, 7-10.
Rosser, B.R.S., Coleman, E., & Ohmans, P. (1993). Safer sex maintenance and reduction of unsafe sex among homosexually active men: A comprehensive therapeutic approach. Health Education Research, 8, 19-34.
Lifson, A.R., O’Malley, P.M., Elkins, M.M., & Hollander, H. (1993). Three-year follow-up of asymptomatic HIV-infected men receiving combination zidovudine and acyclovir. AIDS, 7, 748-749.
Stebleton, M.J., & Rothenberger, J.H. (1993). Truth or consequences: A study in dishonesty in dating and HIV/AIDS related issues in a college-age population. Journal of American College Health, 42, 2.
Dwyer, S.M., & Rosser, B.R.S. (1992). Treatment outcome research: Cross-referencing a six-month to ten-year follow-up study on sex offenders. Annals of Sex Research, 5, 87-97.
Dwyer, S.M., Rosser, B.R.S., & Sawyer, S. (1992). Dissociative experiences of sexual offenders: A comparison between two outpatient groups and those found to be falsely accused. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 18, 49-58.
Coleman, E., Rosser, B.R.S., & Strapko, N. (1992). Sexual and intimacy dysfunction amongst homosexual men and women. Psychiatric Medicine, 10, 257-271.
Rosser, B.R.S., & Ross, M.W. (1991). Psychological resistance and HIV counseling. Journal of Gay and Lesbian Psychotherapy, 1, 93-114.
Rosser, B.R.S. (1991). The effects of using fear in public AIDS education on the behaviour of homosexually active men. Journal of Psychology and Human Sexuality, 4, 123-134.
Ross, M.W., & Rosser, B.R.S. (1991). Dimensions of sexual behavior in homosexual men: Replicability across time and country. Psychological Reports, 68, 607-612.
Ross, M.W., Rigby, K., Rosser, B.R.S., Anagnostou, P., & Brown, M. (1991). The effect of a national campaign on attitudes toward AIDS. AIDS Care, 2, 339-346.
Current Research
Restore Study
Understanding the Effects of Prostate Cancer on Gay and Bisexual Men
This application is an response to PA-12-113, Research on the Health of LGBTI Populations, which “encourages researchers to investigate new questions related to LGBTI health” with “High priority placed on research on interventions for [LGBTI] individuals.” Survivorship of prostate cancer (PCa) is one such area. Across the lifespan, 1-in-6 gay and bisexual men (GBM) and 1-in-3 mail couples will be diagnosed with PCa, making PCa the most common cancer affecting GBM. yet, almost no research has examined the effects of PCa treatment on GBM’s sexual functioning. Sexual dysfunction is the major sequala of PCa treatment, which is deeply distressing in itself, and negatively impacts quality of life post-treatment, resulting in serious negative mental health outcomes. Recent studies indicate sexual outcomes of PCa treatment are significantly worse of GBM that heterosexual men. Physiological differences between anal sex and vaginal sex likely explain, at least in part, this health outcomes, and research to guide development of new treatments tailored to GBM and sex between men.
The long-term objective of this research is to develop the first evidence-based PCa rehabilitation curriculum tailored for GBM. As a first step, in this R21 we will conduct the formative research needed to estimate the extent of poor outcomes, confirm need, and assess acceptability and feasibility. There are three specific aims. In Aim 1, we will investigate, in-depth, the experience of PCa treatment on the sexual lives of GBM, their partners, and their relationships. We will conduct a semi-structured, chat or phone interview study of up to 48 GBM PCa patients, partners, and couples, nationally. In aim 2, we will refine definitions and develop the measures needed to assess sexual dysfunction in GBM. In Aim 3, we will conduct an online quantitative survey of 220 GBM with PCa, which will a) quantify sexual challenges post-treatment, b) assess needs and priorities for rehabilitation, c) develop a new scale to measure sexual functioning in GBM and d) assess the acceptability and feasibility of a new rehabilitation curriculum for GBM with PCa.
Principal Investigator:
B.R. Simon Rosser, PhD, MPH, Professor and Director, HIV/STI Intervention and Prevention Studies, Division of Epidemiology and community Health
Benjamin Capistrant, ScD, Assistant Professor, Division of Epidemiology and Community Health
Enyinnaya Merengwa, MD, MPH, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health,University of Minnesota
Nidhi Kohli, PhD, Department of Educational Psychology, University of Minnesota
Badrinath R. Konety, MD, MBA, CHP, Department of Urology, University of Minnesota
Alex Iantaffi, PhD, LMFT
Darryl Mitteldorf, MSW, Malecare Cancer Support
William West, PhD, Department of Writing studies, University of Minnesota
Study Coordinator
Men’s INTernet Study III (MINTS-III) for HIV Prevention
This study is a randomized controlled trial of Sexpulse – an online HIV prevention intervention for men who use the Internet to seek sex with men. It will test whether men who are randomized to receive the intervention engage in less unsafe sex at follow-up than men who do not go through the program. This three-year project focused on Internet-using Latino Men who have Sex with Men (MSM). At 32 months into the study, we completed an entirely online survey study to assess the Internet-sex risk of Latino MSM in the US, developed a psychosexual profile based on 1,026 participants and compared their risk behaviors in sexual liaisons from the Internet and from conventional meetings.
MINTS-I was followed in 2005 by MINTS-II, where we developed Sexpulse 1.0, an online HIV prevention intervention. Based on a needs assessment of 2,716 Men who use the Internet to seek Sex with other Men (MISM), Sexpulse 1.0 incorporated fourteen highly interactive modules based on persuasive computing principles. With 650 total participants, the intervention group showed a statistically significant 16% reduction in risk behavior at 3 months compared to the control. These key findings, combined with reports of a high number of sexual partners met specifically through the Internet, predict disproportionate infection through liaisons developed online.
These results have compelling implications for all MISM, but variation in sexual risk behavior has shaped the rationale for our next intervention, the Men’s INTernet Study III for HIV Prevention (MINTS-III). MINTS-III will take the next logical steps in this research:
- strengthening the intervention to produce long-term behavioral change
- undertaking a rigorous study of measuring sexual risk online
- testing the new intervention in two populations (as a risk-reduction intervention with high-risk MISM, and as a risk-protection intervention with no/low-risk MISM)
- identifying and studying respondent bias in online HIV trials
To accomplish these goals, MINTS-III will involve the next generation of Sexpulse 1.0 and includes five aims:
- Increase the long-term HIV prevention effectiveness of the intervention
- Study the temporal reliability and validity of measuring sexual risk behavior online
- Test the risk reduction efficacy of Sexpulse 1.1, and of online boosters for MISM engaged in high risk behavior
- Study panel conditioning in online trials
- Test the protective efficacy of Sexpulse 1.1, and of online boosters for MISM engaged in no/low risk behavior
B.R. Simon Rosser, PhD, MPH, Professor and Director, HIV/STI Intervention and Prevention Studies, Division of Epidemiology and Community Health
Joseph Konstan, PhD, Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
J. Michael Oakes, PhD, Associate Professor, McKnight Presidential Fellow, Division of Epidemiology and Community Health
Daniel Holsinger
Internet-based HIV Prevention for Methamphetamine-Using MSM: Formative Research
Methamphetamine-using men who have sex with other men (MUMSM) have double or triple the probability of engaging in unprotected sexual behaviors. This population may not perceive traditional condom-based prevention messages as options for HIV/STI prevention; therefore, a harm reduction approach has the potential to reinvigorate HIV prevention for this community. Of particular concern in this context is the complex interplay between polysubstance use and use of the Internet to meet sexual partners with subsequent risk behaviors.
The long-term objective of this study is to develop a technology-based tool for MUMSM and educators serving this population that will facilitate a reduction in HIV transmission by supporting the enactment of harm reduction strategies, including but not limited to increased condom use.
Grounded in the Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills (IMB) Model for health education and promotion, there are four aims of this study:
- Comparing patterns of polysubstance use and harm reduction in MUMSM who meet male sexual partners online to identify differences in IMB and predictors of risk behavior
- Identifying how MUMSM in different harm reduction classifications vary in their perception of online HIV prevention needs, including preferred content and design features
- Identifying perceived online HIV-prevention needs, including preferred content and design features, of HIV-prevention educators who regularly conduct outreach and education for MUMSM
- Integrating quantitative and qualitative data to identify the IMB content and design features of an online HIV intervention for MUMSM
This kind of research is particularly important because a mobile online intervention brings prevention to the risk environment where MUMSM are meeting men for substance use and sexual encounters. It can also provide educators and case managers ways to stay in touch with hard-to-reach MSM.
For all inquiries about the parTy study, please contact Dr. J. Michael Wilkerson, the study’s Principal Investigator.
Michael Wilkerson, PhD, MPH, Assistant Professor, Center for Health Promotion and Prevention Research, Division of Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences, University of Texas at Houston Health Science Center School of Public Health
Phone: 713-500-9974
Internet-Based HIV Prevention for Indian MSM
Internet use in India is in a period of rapid expansion and holds enormous potential for reaching stigmatized men at high risk of HIV infection with effective prevention education. To date, Internet-based HIV-prevention research and interventions have not been studied. With this study, we propose to begin addressing this gap in research.
This is a bilateral collaborative study which has been funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). Our team includes HIV prevention Internet researchers from the University of Texas Health Science Center and the University of Minnesota, as well as researchers with expertise in HIV prevention targeting high-risk men in Mumbai from The Humsafar Trust, the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, and the University of California, San Francisco.
There are four aims of this study:
- Documenting how the Internet is used to meet male sex partners and test the feasibility of conducting online focus groups to reach high-risk men
- Conducting a usability assessment to determine the cultural appropriateness of an evidence-based Internet intervention for high-risk men in Mumbai
- Conducting a technology and virtual environment assessment
- Conducting an online behavioral risk and needs assessment
All procedures mirror work successfully completed by the HIPS team in the US. These procedures have been adapted to research the Indian context and epidemic. Hence this study will test methods untried in India. The primary significance of this study includes its potential public health impact in averting HIV infections among high-risk men in India. An online intervention in India has the potential to reach thousands of men, reduce risky beliefs and behaviors, and prevent the spread of HIV.
Michael Wilkerson, PhD, MPH, Assistant Professor, Center for Health Promotion and Prevention Research, Division of Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences, School of Public Health at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
Phone: 713-500-9974
B. R. Simon Rosser, PhD, MPH, LP, Professor and Director, HIV/STI Intervention and Prevention Studies, Division of Epidemiology and Community Health, University of Minnesota
Asha Banu, PhD, MA Associate Professor and Chairperson, Centre for Health and Mental Health, School of Social Work, Tata Institute of Social Sciences
Primary U.S. Contact:
Kanjani Shukla, MPH, Project Coordinator
Study e-mail:
Study phone: 612-626-7894
Primary India Contact:
Pallav Patankar, Co-Investigator
Phone: +91 9619012251
Completed Research
Among Men is a modular program delivered online and in person that educates and supports men at the group level – helping them develop a greater sense of confidence and belonging around their sexuality and sexual behaviors.
It is designed for men of all ages and races who have sex with men – or are thinking about having sex with men. Our participants come from all walks of life and include men who are questioning their sexuality, those who are out, men who are HIV negative and those who are HIV positive. Created and maintained at the University of Minnesota, the program is designed to be delivered through community organizations in a flexible format that best supports their members.
Among Men is an outgrowth of the University of Minnesota’s Man2Man program (now retired). Our new curriculum is a response to the changing needs of men’s lives. In an effort to keep up with the times we have restructured and are bringing Among Men to the community by working with partners on developing customized events.
We work closely with community organizations, university groups, churches and HIV/AIDS care organizations to deliver these programs. Explore the Community Partners section for more details on how to become involved.
To develop an interactive website to promote healthy decision-making in the context of adolescent relationships.
Funding Agency: National Institute of Health
Principal Investigator:
Sonya S. Brady, PhD Assistant Professor, Division of Epidemiology and Community Health
B. R. Simon Rosser, PhD, MPH, LP, Professor and Director, HIV/STI Intervention and Prevention Studies, Division of Epidemiology and Community Health
Renee E. Sieving, PhD, RN, Associate Professor, School of Nursing
Loren G. Terveen, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Amy Kodet, MPP, Project Coordinator,
Internet Medication Adherence Study (IMAS)/Thrive! – Living with HIV Study
The HIV epidemic continues to be a significant public health threat in the United States. As individuals living with HIV live longer due to improved treatments, understanding the experiences of living with HIV across the lifespan is critical. The objectives of this study are to:
- Understand people living with HIV’s physical and mental health and their strategies for healthy living, and
- Understand people living with HIV’s use of the Internet
Principal Investigator:
Keith Horvath, PhD, Assistant Professor, HIV/STI Intervention and Prevention Studies, Division of Epidemiology& Community Health
The primary objective of Man2Man (M2M) is to provide an innovative, evidence-based, high-quality, intensive, community- and risk-appropriate HIV risk reduction intervention. This is provided directly to the community most infected and affected by HIV in the U.S., gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (MSM). The aim of this two-day, seminar-based program is to reduce MSM’s HIV sexual risk behavior and sexual co-factors, through promoting long-term sexual health. The stated goals of M2M include:
- to provide accurate knowledge to assist participants to develop a comprehensive understanding of their own and others’ sexualities;
- to challenge attitudes (regarding self-acceptance, sociosexual behavior and HIV/AIDS);
- to affirm healthy and responsible lifestyles;
- to confront factors and cofactors maintaining unsafe sex, by assisting participants to develop self-esteem to lower internalized homophobia;
- to promote assertiveness in participants; and
- to build community identification by assisting individuals to identify with similar others.
The seminar is based on a model developed at the University of Minnesota (Robinson et al., 2002), while its effectiveness on sexual behavior was tested in a randomized controlled trial (Rosser et al., 2002). As part of the seminar, participants have the opportunity to participate in research on MSM’s sexual health through pre-test and post-test pen and paper surveys.
To date Man-to-Man has been offered in 3 countries and several states to demonstrate what new programs for gay, bisexual and other MSM can look like. The Man-to-Man curriculum is currently offered in English as Man-to-Man and in Spanish as De hombre a hombre. Currently, Man-to-Man is offered in two U.S. states on a regular basis as a university-community collaboration.
- In Minnesota, Man-to-Man is being offered in the Twin Cities and annually in rural Minnesota. We partner with the Minnesota AIDS Project in recruiting men for this intervention, while health professionals from over 40 agencies work collaboratively on staffing this physician-sexologist-led seminar. These seminars are funded through the Minnesota Department of Health.
- In Arizona, the University of Minnesota partners with Arizona Body Positive who have been implementing the seminars in Phoenix and now statewide. These seminars are funded through the Arizona Department of Health and Human Services.
A BIG welcome to Man-to-Man! This weekend seminar asks gay, bisexual, other men who have sex with men, and men attracted to men, a critical challenge: “How is my and our sexual health?” Over the two days, you have the opportunity to participate in a seminar led by two health professionals focused on human sexuality and intimacy. Seminar activities include large group presentations, small group discussions, exercises, games, challenges and workbook activities. Because the program is comprehensive, you are strongly recommended to attend the whole seminar.
Please note this seminar includes sexually explicit media and discussions of sex between men. For this reason the seminar is restricted to adults aged 18 years or older.
Goals of the seminar:
- To provide accurate knowledge on human sexuality and sexual health
- To challenge your attitudes (to assist you to know yourself better)
- To affirm healthy and responsible options in sexuality
- To provide an experience of sexual health, within which to address concerns
- To build community by providing a safe place to challenge sexual health
- To promote assertiveness in confronting factors that limit participants adopting sexual health.
- Learning to be sexually healthy
- Sexuality across the lifespan
- Intimacy and stages of gay relationships
- Bisexuality and sexual diversity
- Sexual functioning and how to improve a sex life
- Developing assertiveness and empowerment
- Breaking isolation and developing networks
- Understanding effects of fear, violence and abuse
- Being sexual in the age of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections
- Sexuality and spirituality
Suggested guidelines for the Weekend
- Reflect: This is a “retreat” time to reflect on you, your life, and your health. You are encouraged to make it personal, to take “time out,” and relax.
- Respect: This is also an opportunity to learn from other participants. We encourage an attitude of respect for the differences and similarities.
- Adult education: Share only what you want to disclose, and participate only as you wish.
- Enjoy and have fun: We encourage active participation through exercises.
Principal Investigator:
B.R. Simon Rosser, PhD, MPH, Professor and Director, HIV/STI Intervention & Prevention Studies, Division of Epidemiology & Community Health
Keith Pederson, Project Coordinator (
Jessica Hermanson, Research Assistant (
Formative Internet-Based Research to Improve Health and Reduce HIV Transmission among HIV-Positive Persons (the Internet Study).
The Positive Internet Study was a two-year formative research study to inform the future development of an Internet-based sexual risk reduction intervention for persons recently diagnosed with HIV infection (in the past year). Specifically, we propose to conduct qualitative telephone interviews with HIV-positive men and women to identify:
1.Critical social, mental, emotional, informational, and medical needs following their diagnosis that could be addressed in an online format and within which sexual risk reduction messages could be integrated;
2. Personal and technological barriers to seeking and successfully accessing HIV/AIDS-related information on the web; and
3. Features that attracted participants to access and return to websites.
In this study, participants were recruited from offline (e.g., local HIV clinics, AIDS service organizations) and online (e.g., HIV-oriented websites) venues to participate in one-on-one telephone interviews. Both online and offline recruitment venues will be used to ensure that participants represent regional, race/ethnicity, and Internet usage diversity. Adult (18+ years) HIV-positive heterosexually-identified men and women, homosexually-identified men, and male-to-female transgender individuals diagnosed within the last 12 months (prior to enrollment) were interviewed.
The outcomes for this study included a list of topics (e.g., social, mental, emotional, information, medical) relevant to the needs of recently diagnosed HIV-positive individuals and a list of facilitators and barriers that these individuals faced when accessing HIV-related information on the web. This study allowed us to collect a rich data set that will ultimately guide the development of a comprehensive Internet-based HIV risk reduction prevention and health promotion resource for HIV-positive persons in future research.
Principal Investigator & Contact:
Keith Horvath, PhD, Assistant Professor (
HIV/STI Intervention & Prevention Studies, Division of Epidemiology & Community Health
Positive Connections Study (2003-2008)
After almost a decade of stable HIV infection rates, in 2001, several US cities reported a marked increase in risk taking among men who have sex with men (MSM), as well as a rise in STDs in this population. Of most concern, significant coinfection of STDs were reported in previously diagnosed HIV+MSM. In response, the CDC published two national alerts calling for “immediate action,” and prioritizing prevention and outreach to HIV+MSM as “critical.” Unfortunately, no scientifically validated interventions targeting HIV+MSM has been published. Thus, the purpose of this study was to respond to this crisis by studying how best to target HIV+MSM (separately or with other MSM) and by developing and testing a new intervention to lower HIV+ MSM’s risk behavior (Positive Sexual Health).
We aimed to implement and evaluate the long-term effectiveness of an innovative intervention strategy on the unsafe sex behaviors and risk cofactors of HIV positive men who have sex with men (HIV+MSM). In the first phase of the study, a consultant team of HIV+MSM adapted the content of an existing sexual health intervention for MSM, called Man-to-Man Sexual Health Seminars, to address the specific sexual health concerns, needs and behaviors of HIV+MSM. In the second phase, we conducted two pilots: a pre pilot of the revised curriculum, called Positive Sexual Health, with 30 HIV+MSM, followed by a pilot of the full trial on a sample of 60 HIV+MSM and 20 HIV negative (HIV-) or HIV unsure MSM. Following further refinement, the third phase was a randomized controlled 3 arm trial of intervention efficacy (N=580 HIV+MSM and 216 HIV-/HIV unsure MSM).
In 5 cities where increases in STDs among HIV+MSM had been documented, participants were randomized by racial/ethnicity strata to one of the three arms of the trail: Positive Sexual Health (comprehensive sexual health HIV prevention intervention for HIV+MSM only and tailored to address HIV prevention from an HIV+ person’s perspective), Man-to-Man (a comprehensive sexual health HIV prevention intervention for all MSM) or Men Speaking Out (a 3-hour video control condition). Immediately post-intervention, all subjects completed a survey examining attitudinal change and evaluating the intervention. Participants followed up at 6, 12, and 18 months. Using this design, we aimed to test 2 hypotheses:
1. that at 12 and 18 month follow-up, HIV+MSM who experience the sexual health interventions would report significantly lower rates of unsafe sex and lower scores on the risk cofactors than the control group; and
2. that the sexual health intervention that targeted HIV+MSM exclusively would be significantly more effective at lowering HIV+MSM’s risk behavior than the intervention targeting all MSM.
Funding Source and Contact:
This study was funded from National Institutes of Health (specifically the National Institute of Child Development and the National Institute of Mental Health) request for proposals (FRP):PAS-00-136: Demographic research on sexual behaviors re: HIV.
This study was being conducted under the oversight and approval of the University of Minnesota IRB Human Subjects Protection Program.
Principal Investigator:
B.R. Simon Rosser, PhD, MPH
Professor and Director, HIV/STI Intervention & Prevention Studies, Division of Epidemiology & Community Health
Margherita Ghiselli, Project Coordinator,
Research to Develop a Physician-Delivered Tobacco Cessation Intervention for Persons Living with HIV/AIDS
The specific aims of this project are to:
- conduct qualitative interviews with tobacco-using People Living With HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) to explore patient-provider interactions regarding tobacco use, and
- conduct a survey of HIV physicians in Minnesota of their practices and attitudes regarding tobacco use among their HIV-positive patients.
Funding Agency: Clearway, Minnesota
Principal Investigator:
Keith J. Horvath, PhD, Assistant Professor, Division of Epidemiology and Community Health
Loretta Worthington, MA, Executive Director, Rainbow Health Initiative
Melissa Eastman, MPH,
Structural Interventions to Lower Alcohol-related STI/HIV risk (SILAS)
In the US, HIV prevention targeting Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) appears to be failing, while a syndemic of high alcohol/drug use and unsafe sex is increasing. The Office of AIDS Research at the National Institute of Health (NIH) (FY 2006) has prioritized research that aims to “develop and evaluate methods … to reduce HIV acquisition … associated with drug and alcohol use” while CDC has described finding “new approaches to reduce HIV risk among MSM” as of the “highest” priority. In response, our broad long-term objective is to study the impact of structural interventions likely to reduce Alcohol-Related HIV Risk (ARHR) among MSM. Legislation on homosexuality and the growth of gay e-infrastructure are two such structural factors, which have become prominent national issues, yet little is known about how either impacts MSM’s health and HIV risk behavior.
We theorize that gay bars are the environmental structure most driving heavy alcohol use and ARHR, and thus contribute to male-male transmission of HIV, syphilis and gonorrhea. If so, the growing utilization of gay e-environments should lower risk. Similarly, legislation on homosexuality, by mainstreaming or marginalizing MSM, is predicted to have significant health impact on this population. This project has 2 aims:
- To study, at the community level, how public policy and gay e-infrastructure may be changing the centrality and popularity of gay bars;
- To study, at the individual level, how public policy and gay e-infrastructure modifies alcohol use and ARHR among Men who use the Internet to seek Sex with Men (MISM).
To implement these aims, we have assembled an interdisciplinary team of researchers in HIV prevention, alcohol, law, computer science, demography, Internet research, and homosexuality. This team will conduct a prospective, case-comparison, natural experiment study in 16 cities with different legislation on homosexuality (8=pro, 8=anti) and different levels of gay e-infrastructure (8=strong, 8=weak). How these factors impact risk will be tracked at two levels, annually, over 4 years:
- the city level, by taking a city-wide census of gay bars/clubs, bar attendance, gay e-infrastructure, and HIV/STI rates;
- the individual level, by comparing MISM’s (n=250 per city; 4000 per period) alcohol use and ARHR behavior with men first met (a) in gay bars, (b) online, and (c) in neither environment (with participants acting as their own control).
Public Health Relevance:
This study:
- advances methods for online behavioral surveillance;
- examines how alcohol use impacts HIV risk; and
- studies how virtual environments and public policy impact a community’s structure, alcohol use, and HIV risk behavior.
As the first study to examine how legislation and e-infrastructure impacts health of high-risk communities, this study will inform key stakeholders and the public, nationally and internationally, on how law and the e-environment impact health and HIV risk.
Principal Investigator:
B.R. Simon Rosser, PhD, MPH, Professor and Director, HIV/STI Intervention & Prevention Studies, Division of Epidemiology & Community Health