Training and Education
In an effort to support the current workforce, SPH provides specialized opportunities for professional development and education. Our staff works closely with the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) to prioritize new training options that we keep up to date with today’s technology so that they reflect current workforce needs. Collaborators across MDH have contributed their time and subject matter expertise to identify and address current and future public health workforce demands.

Continuing Education
Self-Paced Online (Free)
0.75 Continuing Education Contact Hours
Register for Basic Risk Communication Concepts
In times of public health emergencies or crises, effective communication is crucial to safeguarding public health. “Basic Risk Communication Concepts,” is designed for public information officers in public health agencies and related organizations.
“Basic Risk Communication Concepts” provides a foundational understanding of the core principles of crisis and emergency risk communication (CERC). This course explores barriers to effective communication to people under stress and strategies to overcome the barriers to information processing and risk perception. In addition, how practicing sound risk communication benefits public health efforts will also be explored.
Produced by the University of Minnesota School of Public Health and Minnesota Department of Health Division of Emergency Preparedness and Response. Written by Doug E. Schultz, CCPH, Allison Thrash, MPH. This course was designed by the creative talents of Dashe LLC.
This project was supported by a grant to the University of Minnesota, Public Health Crisis Response Cooperative Agreement: Academic Partnership to Enhance Workforce Preparedness from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Grant/Cooperative Agreement Number NU90TP922188. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of CDC.
Self-Paced Online Module (Free)
1.0 Continuing Education Contact Hours
Register for Disease Surveillance
Infectious diseases pose a significant threat to global health, impacting individuals regardless of gender, age, race, socioeconomic status, lifestyle, or geographic location. This course is designed to introduce public health professionals to the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively detect and respond to disease outbreaks. Participants will learn about traditional and syndromic surveillance methods, emphasizing the importance of swift and accurate disease monitoring to protect public health.
Produced by University of Minnesota School of Public Health Learning Innovations; Minnesota Department of Health Division of Emergency Preparedness and Response; Minnesota Department of Health Division of Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Prevention, and Control; and Minnesota Department of Health Foodborne Disease Unit. Subject matter experts: Craig Hedberg, MS, PhD, Kirk Smith, DVM, MS, PhD, Dana Eikmeier, MPH, Marijke Cecuir, MPH, RS.
The Minnesota Prepared project was possible through a COVID-19 Public Health Supplemental Funding grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that is administered by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) through an agreement with the University of Minnesota, School of Public Health: Grant/Cooperative Agreement Number NU90TP922188. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of CDC.
Self-Paced Online (Free)
0.1 Continuing Education Contact Hours
Register for Equity in Disaster Response
During the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, many new to public health disaster response were faced with what veteran public health officials already knew. In this course, we will explore these critical intersections between health equity and disaster response, beginning with a comprehensive exploration of the vital connections between the two. We will focus on fundamental concepts, such as authentic engagement and collaborative decision-making, and their roles in the context of disaster preparedness, response, and recovery. Finally, through real world examples and resources, participants will gain practical insights and tools to consider and carry into their professional settings.
Produced by the University of Minnesota School of Public Health and Minnesota Department of Health Division of Emergency Preparedness and Response. Written and developed by Angela Koch, DrPH, MPH, Assistant Director, University of Minnesota, CEARCH, Mickey Scullard, DrPH MPH MEP, Preparedness and Response Coordinator, Minnesota Department of Health, Emergency Preparedness and Response Division, Rachel Garaghty, MPP, Health Equity Strategist, Minnesota Department of Health, Emergency Preparedness and Response Division, Amy LimBybliw, MA, M.Ed, Instructional Designer, University of Minnesota, School of Public Health, Learning Innovations, Megan Cirio, BS, Project Coordinator, University of Minnesota, School of Public Health, Learning Innovations
This project was supported by a grant to the University of Minnesota, Public Health Crisis Response Cooperative Agreement: Academic Partnership to Enhance Workforce Preparedness from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Grant/Cooperative Agreement Number NU90TP922188. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of CDC.
Self-Paced Online Module (Free)
0.75 Continuing Education Contact Hours
Register for Trauma-Informed Care
This course provides a basic introduction to a trauma-informed approach during an emergency response. In addition, this course addresses how a trauma-informed approach is a framework for organizations and learners to understand, recognize, and respond to the impact of trauma.
This course is the first course in the Minnesota Trauma-Informed Emergency Response and Recovery (MnTIER) training program.
MnTIER is a training program that aims to provide a framework that guides the planning and operations of disaster response and recovery that was developed to support communities throughout Minnesota but could be applicable to other communities.
Produced by University of Minnesota School of Public Health Learning Innovations, Minnesota Department of Health Divisions of Emergency Preparedness and Response, and Prevention and Control. Subject matter experts: Nancy Carlson, MPhil, CFT, CFE, Luke Campbell, MA, LAMFT, Hanna Marzinske, MBA, Kevynn Schumacher, MS, and Janet Yeats, MA, LMFT.
The Minnesota Prepared project was possible through a COVID-19 Public Health Supplemental Funding grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that is administered by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) through an agreement with the University of Minnesota, School of Public Health: Grant/Cooperative Agreement Number NU90TP922188. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of CDC.
Self-Paced Online Module (Free)
0.75 Continuing Education Contact Hours
Register for Isolation and Quarantine
This course is designed to provide healthcare professionals and public health workers with a comprehensive understanding of the principles and practices surrounding isolation and quarantine. This training delves into the history, legal framework, and practical application of these critical public health tools. Participants will learn through engaging historical examples, modern practices, and interactive knowledge checks.
Produced by University of Minnesota School of Public Health Learning Innovations, Minnesota Department of Health Divisions of Emergency Preparedness and Response, and Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Prevention, and Control. Subject matter experts: Mickey Scullard, DrPH, MPH, MEP and Kathy Como-Sabetti, MPH.
The Minnesota Prepared project was possible through a COVID-19 Public Health Supplemental Funding grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that is administered by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) through an agreement with the University of Minnesota, School of Public Health: Grant/Cooperative Agreement Number NU90TP922188. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of CDC.
Self-Paced Online (Free)
1.0 Continuing Education Contact Hour
Register for Legal Basis of Public Health Law
This course will provide basic tools to develop a greater appreciation and understanding of the legal authority we have to protect the public health while maintaining the appropriate respect for individual rights that must be balanced in any of our actions.
Produced by University of Minnesota School of Public Health Learning Innovations and Minnesota Department of Health Division of Emergency Preparedness and Response. Subject Matter Experts: Anne Barry, J.D., MPH; Robin Benson, J.D., M.Ed.; Joel Wu, J.D., MPH, MA, HEC-C
The Minnesota Prepared project was possible through a COVID-19 Public Health Supplemental Funding grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that is administered by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) through an agreement with the University of Minnesota, School of Public Health: Grant/Cooperative Agreement Number NU90TP922188. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of CDC.
Self-Paced Online (Free)
1.0 Continuing Education Contact Hours
Register for NIMS and ICS
This training provides an initial orientation to the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the Incident Command System (ICS) for individuals who plan to volunteer during an emergency or disaster. The course is designed to help volunteers understand the standardized organizational structure and communication system they are likely to encounter while responding to a crisis. Additionally, this training can serve as a ‘just in time’ review of these basic principles.
Volunteer organizations may require their volunteers to participate in additional training on these topics. Volunteers will want to consult with their coordinator regarding specific training requirements.
Produced by University of Minnesota School of Public Health Learning Innovations and Minnesota Department of Health Division of Emergency Preparedness and Response. Subject Matter Experts: Sue Grafstrom, MPH; Janice Maine, MEP.
The Minnesota Prepared project was possible through a COVID-19 Public Health Supplemental Funding grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that is administered by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) through an agreement with the University of Minnesota, School of Public Health: Grant/Cooperative Agreement Number NU90TP922188. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of CDC.
Self-Paced Online (Free)
0.75 Continuing Education Contact Hours
Register for Psychological First Aid
This course was designed as an overview for MRC volunteers, hospital personnel, disaster responders, and first-responders, to the concepts and applications of psychological first aid as it applies to assisting survivors and fellow responders impacted by a disaster or emergency event, particularly in the field during a response. This training may also be useful to other individuals when dealing with a personal crisis situation in their family, community or workplace.
A SCORM version of an e-learning module that can be uploaded to a learning management system (LMS) to educate learners on the concepts and applications of psychological first aid. Individual learners should register for the course through the link in the self-paced e-learning and games section.
Apply for a license for Psychological First Aid.
Produced by University of Minnesota School of Public Health Learning Innovations and Minnesota Department of Health Division of Emergency Preparedness and Response. Subject matter expert: Nancy Carlson, MPhil, CFT, CFE.
The Minnesota Prepared project was possible through a COVID-19 Public Health Supplemental Funding grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that is administered by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) through an agreement with the University of Minnesota, School of Public Health: Grant/Cooperative Agreement Number NU90TP922188. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of CDC.
Self-Paced Online (Free)
1.0 Continuing Education Contact Hour
Register for Constitutional Basis for Public Health Action
This course teaches a basic understanding of how the constitution distributes power and gives states the authority to take public health actions, which is an essential component of the practice of public health across our nation. It is designed for anyone working in a public health related setting or interested in this topic.
Produced by University of Minnesota School of Public Health Learning Innovations and Minnesota Department of Health Division of Emergency Preparedness and Response. Subject Matter Experts: Anne Barry, J.D., MPH; Robin Benson, J.D., M.Ed.; Joel Wu, J.D., MPH, MA, HEC-C.
The Minnesota Prepared project was possible through a COVID-19 Public Health Supplemental Funding grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that is administered by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) through an agreement with the University of Minnesota, School of Public Health: Grant/Cooperative Agreement Number NU90TP922188. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of CDC.
Self-Paced Online (Free)
0.1 Continuing Education Contact Hours
Register for Role of the PIO
In public health emergencies or crises, effective communication is paramount. “The Role of the Public Information Officer in Public Health Responses” is an essential e-learning course designed for public information officers (PIOs), emergency managers, local public health directors, elected officials, and others involved in crisis communication. This course underscores the importance of the PIO’s involvement from the onset of a public health response, highlighting how their contributions can prevent critical communication errors that may derail response efforts, damage reputations, or even result in loss of lives.
Produced by the University of Minnesota School of Public Health and Minnesota Department of Health Division of Emergency Preparedness and Response. Written by Doug E. Schultz, CCPH, Allison Thrash, MPH. This course was designed by the creative talents of Dashe LLC.
This project was supported by a grant to the University of Minnesota, Public Health Crisis Response Cooperative Agreement: Academic Partnership to Enhance Workforce Preparedness from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Grant/Cooperative Agreement Number NU90TP922188. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of CDC.
E-learning Games
Self-Paced Online Game/Simulation
1.0 Continuing Education Contact Hours
Register for Disaster in Franklin County
In this new simulation, the learner will assume the perspective of various public health professionals responding to a natural disaster. They will make decisions on behalf of a county public health director, a public health nurse, an environmental health specialist, and other public health professionals. By approaching the emerging public health issues from these perspectives, the players gain a deeper understanding of the issues at hand, the decisions that colleagues in other disciplines face, and how those decisions impact his or her area of expertise.
Produced by University of Minnesota School of Public Health Learning Innovations and Minnesota Department of Health Division of Emergency Preparedness and Response. Subject matter experts: Janice Maine, MEP, Sue Grafstrom, MPH, and Cassandra Broadwater, MA.
The Minnesota Prepared project was possible through a COVID-19 Public Health Supplemental Funding grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that is administered by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) through an agreement with the University of Minnesota, School of Public Health: Grant/Cooperative Agreement Number NU90TP922188. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of CDC.
Self-Paced Online Game (Free)
0.5 Continuing Education Contact Hours
Register for Outbreak at Watersedge
The need for public health professionals has never been greater. But what is “Public Health” anyway? This interactive game will introduce you to the world of public health as you help discover the source of the outbreak that has hit the small community of Watersedge and stop it before more residents get sick.
A SCORM version of an e-learning module that can be uploaded to a learning management system (LMS) to educate learners on the concepts and applications of psychological first aid. Individual learners should register for the course through the link in the self-paced e-learning and games section.
Apply for a license for Outbreak at Watersedge.
Produced by University of Minnesota School of Public Health Learning Innovations and Minnesota Department of Health Division of Emergency Preparedness and Response. Subject matter experts: Jeff Bender, DVM, MS; Craig Hedberg, PhD; Mickey Scullard, DrPH, MPH, MEP
The Minnesota Prepared project was possible through a COVID-19 Public Health Supplemental Funding grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that is administered by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) through an agreement with the University of Minnesota, School of Public Health: Grant/Cooperative Agreement Number NU90TP922188. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of CDC.
Training Opportunities
A tabletop exercise was developed for local public health and tribal health departments to test their preparedness activities in response to a severe weather event. The exercise was facilitated at 2 in person events; one in Minneapolis (23 attendees) and one in Willmar (17 attendees). There was also one exercise facilitated virtually via Zoom (23 attendees).
This exercise is now available as a “Tabletop in a Box”. The materials include; scenario powerpoint, facilitator’s guide and the executive summary.
Download materials: Severe Weather Event Tabletop
Funding through Minnesota Prepared offers scholarships for local public health professionals to attend emergency preparedness and response-related courses at The Public Health Institute (PHI). PHI is a program held during summer session that offers academic and continuing education courses for students and professionals in public health and related fields. Participants can build or expand their professional expertise, learn best practices, broaden career options, network with other professionals, or explore a new area of interest. Minnesota Prepared Scholarship Awardees have the option to attend both online and in-person courses on topics that include data, behavioral health, and health equity.
In 2023, 47 public health professionals from across the state received scholarships to attend graduate-level courses and received one academic graduate-level credit. Full-time students enjoyed having experienced professionals with working knowledge of the field alongside them in their courses. Scholarships will be offered again for courses that will take place in May 2024, check back for more information to come.
SPH offers a post-baccalaureate certificate in Public Health Preparedness, Response, and Recovery, which helps to prepare public health workers and others to respond to incidents of bioterrorism, infectious disease outbreaks, and other emerging public health preparedness and response issues.
Early in 2023, the Minnesota Prepared team worked closely with the Advisory Committee members to gain an understanding of the importance of maintaining such an offering; therefore, the certificate is undergoing redevelopment and is designed for both traditional MPH students and working professionals. Information on the revised certificate is coming later this summer.