The Consortium for Workforce Research in Public Health (CWORPH) is the recipient of one of the Partnership Awards from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) — one of only eight entities in the country in the CDC’s largest award pool. The CDC’s Partnership Award provides base funding for five years, while inviting awardees to apply for additional funding to work on a range of projects to enhance public health efforts.

JP Leider, SPH associate professor and director of the Center for Public Health Systems (CPHS), welcomed the news. “This represents a huge opportunity to serve local public health,” Leider said. “Receiving one of the Partnership award cooperative agreements gives us the mission and structure to better directly support governmental public health. The award at this level is one of the CDC’s major tools to advance its work and incorporate non-governmental partners into its mission. We’re thrilled and look forward to working with the CDC on projects to serve local health departments.”
“Working closely with governmental public health through this partnership award is another way that we as Public Health Systems and Services researchers get to put what we learn into action – supporting our public health agencies and partners to improve the health of our nation,” said Valerie Yeager, co-Principal Investigator and Professor at Indiana University Indianapolis’s Fairbanks School of Public Health.
CPHS will take the lead on certain supplemental projects, while other projects will be handled by the Consortium for Workforce Research in Public Health (CWORPH), a coalition of six universities led by SPH.